Resources | Useful Links

Resources | Useful Links 2017-08-12T00:29:45+00:00

The Following are some of Colleen’s favorite links for education, community involvement and self-help.

Chronic Pain and MindBody Disorders: TMSwiki The Tension Myositis Syndrome Wiki

Brené Brown’s Animated Short:  Sympathy vs. Empathy for nutrition and fitness information. focuses on balance in physical health and emotional wellness.

Mind Body Medicine This site was created to educate the public about mind-body concepts in illness.

Your Pain Is Real This website is filled with information about the Mind Body Syndrome

Understanding Nutrition‘s Mission is to empower health professionals to confidently and competently treat eating disorders.

Staying Healthy: All About Eating Disorders from Dental Associates of Northern Virginia.

Brady Institute Pain Free for Life

Eating Disorders Referral The most comprehensive search database for eating disorder centers and treatment.

The Soldier’s Project We are a group of licensed mental health professionals who offer free psychological treatment to military service members.

Brene Brown’s TED talk: The Power of Vulnerability

How to Make Stress Your Friend TED talk by Kelly McGonigal

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Colleen recently received this heartwarming note from a loving mother:

My daughter Ava and I just wanted to reach out and thank you for your Resources and Useful Links page.  

Ava did her 6th grade final project for health class on Eating Disorders. In her online research she found your page –  it was so helpful to her I wanted to reach out and thank you. I hadn’t seen her that invested in her school work in a long time. I’m grateful she’s committed to such an important topic, especially with her teen years right around the corner. I think the pressures put on kids today are 10x worse than when I was in school, and it was difficult back then.

I meant to email earlier, but we went on vacation and the time got away from me. Ava graduated 6th grade June 21st and her teacher specifically came up to me to tell me what a great job she did on that project. I have been meaning to email you ever since to thank you for your part in her success. When I told Ava I was going to email you to thank you for your page, she suggested(insisted) I let you know about another guide she found online on Eating Disorders at . She thought it might be a good addition to your page. I know it was helpful to Ava in her research, so hopefully you find some use for it too.

Thank you again and have a wonderful summer!

Linda & Ava W.

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Your call is welcome. 310-259-8970. We invite your confidential inquiry, questions or comments any time.

